10:00 - 20:00
Opening Hour Mon - Sat
A2 Legal Services Team comprises of Adv. Amarpal Singh Darshan Singh [B.Sc, MBA, LL.B] and Adv. Arshpreet Kaur Karwal [BLS LL.B, LLM]. We aim to provide legal remedies to our clientele and to ensure that our clients have access to high-quality deliverables while also improving cost efficiency and time management. We place great value on building strong relationships with our clients and aim to learn and grow with them every day.
A2 Legal Services is a law firm dedicated to providing prompt and comprehensive and satisfactory solutions for every legal need, including drafting, reviewing, legal documentation, property verifications, developing legal frameworks for handling civil and criminal matters. The underlying belief of our firm is to provide incredibly high-quality fast services at the best / affordable cost. Timely right advice could save a lot of time, efforts and costs for a client. This is where our firm utilizes expertise and experience in creating value for our clients.